Saturday, May 31, 2008

There's No Place Like Lost

Attention: Spoiler Alert!

There’s a lot to cover from Thursday's season finale of Lost. I thought it was a hit! I was really pleased that ABC actually had a 2 hour episode. I usually get my hopes up and then feel jipped because the 1st hour is recaps or a previous episode. But ABC got it right and I thoroughly enjoyed the whole show. For those of you who haven’t seen the episode yet, I highly recommend going to ABC to watch it online. Otherwise, here goes the recap.

I thought it was brilliant to open the episode at the same spot it ended in Season 3. Through Jack and Kate’s argument, we learn that Jeremy Bentham is the person in the coffin. Now I actually found this quite distracting because for the remaining hour and 54 minutes, I tried to figure out who this Jeremy Bentham character was. Seriously, I Googled the name during the commercials. In my web surfing hunt, I did find something about the real Jeremy Bentham that I should have remembered from my college economics class.

Jack, Sawyer and Hugo make it to the Orchid and find Locke. Jack and Locke have a confrontation where Locke asks Jack to stay on the island because it’s his destiny. The conversation between Locke and Jack reminded me a lot of the Man of Science, Man of Faith episode; Locke believes in miracles, Jack doesn’t. Locke tells Jack if he gets off the island he’ll have to lie.

In the meantime, Kate and Sayid strike a deal with the others to save Ben from Keemy and his crew in exchange for freedom. The plan works and Keemy’s team goes down just after hearing some familiar whispering. Keemy survives after taking a beating from Sayid and then getting shot in the back by Richard.

Ben goes back to the Orchid to give Locke his final instructions. While he busies himself about the station, Locke watches another Orientation tape complete with time traveling bunnies. Keemy pays them a visit and reveals that he is wired to the bomb on the boat and if his heart stops, boom! Ben didn’t give a flip about the people on the boat and went after Keemy full force, ultimately killing him.

Meanwhile Daniel is still ferrying people from shore to ship and he asks Miles and Charlotte to join him on the next boat ride. Miles declines immediately while Charlotte accepts but she changes her mind and decides to stay after Miles questions her reasons for leaving.

Back on the boat Michael, Jin and Desmond frantically try to deactivate the bomb. Michael comes up with the idea of freezing it with liquid Nitrogen as a temporary solution. They have no idea what triggers the bomb and when Keemy dies, their time is up and they try to evacuate the ship. While all the action is going to on the ship, Hugo, Kate, Jack, Sawyer, Sayid, Sun, Aaron and Frank are in the helicopter on the way to the ship. The helicopter gets a fuel leak and Sawyer jumps into the ocean to make it lighter and conserve fuel. Thankfully, he was able to swim back to the island, just in time to meet up with Juliet who was drinking rum and lamenting the ship explosion.

The Oceanic 6, Frank and Desmond are safely on the helicopter when the ship explodes. Michael stays below to continue freezing the bomb battery and Christian Shephard appears to him just before the explosion. Jin makes it to the deck but it was too late. Sun watches Jin die and goes into hysterics. It was quite dramatic and actually got me choked up.

Back on the island, Ben gives Locke some final instructions and then says goodbye. He tells him to go meet Richard and the others who would be ready, willing and able to follow him. Ben goes through a tunnel created when he blew up the “time traveling cubby” (that’s what I’m calling it anyway) and goes down to a cold cavern with a wheel. After quite an effort, he cranks the wheel and there’s a bright light and…POOF! The island disappears.

The helicopter is on the way back to the island when it “moves” and they end up crashing in the ocean when the fuel runs out. They’re all in an inflatable raft when they spot Penny’s boat and signal for rescue. At that point, Jack tells them all they need to lie since it’s apparent someone wants the world to believe they’re dead. Once they get near the ship, Desmond recognizes Penny and the two are reunited. One week later, the group has devised a plan to sail to the island of Membata on the life raft and give a convincing survivor spiel to the world.

The scene then flashes forward to Jack again as he heads toward the funeral parlor. Ben comes in behind him as he’s starring at the body of Jeremy Bentham. They chat briefly and Ben tells Jack that they all have to come back to the island and he has a few ideas on how to help. Jack turns to leave with him and Ben tells him they have to bring Jeremy Bentham too. Then we finally get a shot of the body in the coffin and it is…wait for it…John Locke!

The flash-forwards from this episode feature all the Oceanic 6 in one way or another and we learn some interesting things. Hugo is still in the mental institute and he gets a visit from the new puberty version of Walt. Walt tells Hugo that Jeremy Bentham came to see him and questions why they’re all lying. Sayid visits Hugo at the mental institute while Hugo is playing chess with Mr. Echo (invisible to everyone except Hugo). Sun goes to London to meet with Charles Widmore. Kate has a dream where Claire tells her not to bring Aaron back to the island. Then of course there’s Jack’s visit with Ben.

I really liked the throwbacks to old episodes with the whispers and the orientation video but two things did bother me about the episode. I thought it was ridiculous the way Jin died. When I saw the bomb in the last episode I figured that would be how he’d meet his end but why was he so stupid? Hello! Bomb alert Jin! You may want to jump in the water if you can’t get on the helicopter or I don’t know, maybe you shouldn’t have hung out with Michael until the last second. Perhaps he’s coming back though, you never know with Lost. Supposedly dead people tend to resurface. One person that’s not coming back is Michael. Harrold Perrineau confirmed that in an interview following the finale. It’s kind of disappointing because I thought there were more things that could be done with his character. But that is not the other thing that bothered me. What I could not get over was Aaron. He must be Super Baby! When exactly was the last time that kid ate? Claire’s not with him and I didn’t see any bottles of formula around. He survives a helicopter crash into the ocean without a scratch and he barely whimpers the entire time. Maintenance free babies? Sign me up please!

Still, the episode was awesome and if left me craving more Lost. I have tons of questions to ponder for next season. I’m just going to prattle them off and hope ya’ll will leave some insightful comments.

Where did the island go? What bad things happened after the Oceanic 6 leave and why is it so important for them to go back? What happened to the people in the boat with Daniel Faraday? Why is the person who moves the island banished from it? What did Sawyer whisper to Kate? Why did Charlotte spend so much time trying to get back to the island and then tell Daniel she was still trying to find where she was born? What are Sun and Charles Widmore’s common interests? Is Sun planning to do business with Widmore to counter Ben? Does Sun really blame Jack for the death of Jin or is that just what he believes? Does Locke not remember Richard coming to test him when he was a kid? How does Locke get off the island to go see the Oceanic 6? How does Locke get the name Jeremy Bentham? Is the negatively charged exotic matter the smoke monster? Is the Casimir Effect what allows the island to move?

We have until February 2009 to brood over these questions and more!

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

4 Minutes to Save the World From...What?

I'm sure most of you have heard Madonna's single 4 Minutes but yesterday I was asked what exectly are she and Justin Timberlake saving the world from? Sadly, I could not answer this question but I was determined to find out. With my trusty laptop I did some serious web surfing and came up with JT himself explaining the meaning. As I suspected, it doesn't have any real meaning. It's just something that came about while hashing out lyrics. Credit goes to JT for coming up with the line. Brilliant! He brings SexyBack and then saves the world from...nothing! Just another reason why I heart him!

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Top Ten Ways to Spend/Waste My Economic Stimulus Refund

10. Gas

9. iTunes

8. Dentist (seriously, I think I need a root canal)

7. Tuna sandwiches from Subway (my office co-workers will understand)

6. Gas

5. Rent

4. Starbucks

3. Host a JT DVD party

2. Gas

1. Madonna Concert Tickets

Tori's Favorite Zip Code

I just learned that the new 90210 will feature Tori Spelling as a hip owner of a cool shop in Beverly Hills. I've seen a few commercials for the show that is scheduled to air this fall. Part of me wants to watch but part of me is afraid my fond memories of the original 90210 will be tainted. My feeling is it will leave a bad taste in my mouth, much the same as New Coke. You just shouldn't mess with a classic.

Flash-Forward to Lost

As we gear up for the Season Finale of Lost, here are clips of the flash-forwards in chronological order to help you remember exactly where we are in the story-line.

Monday, May 26, 2008

Jonesin' for Indy!

Attention: Spoiler Alert!

The main event on my calendar for this Memorial Day weekend was seeing Indian Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull, which I did, Saturday night. Honestly, I’m not sure what to think of this movie. Something seemed a I really can’t put my finger on it. Maybe it was the fact that Harrison Ford is getting old, which means I’m getting old and I just don’t want to accept that. Now let me start by saying that no matter my problems with this movie, I will love Indiana Jones till the bitter end. My love for that series is the same as for Star Wars. I made a vow to love, honor and cherish Star Wars for better or worse and I have that same philosophy with Indiana Jones. I may think Spielberg and Lucas make some ridiculous choices for these films but I’ll continue to watch regardless.
The movie takes place about 20 years after Raiders, at the height of McCarthyism and the Red Scare. So the enemies for this film are of course, the Russian Communists. The Russians have managed to infiltrate the US Army to locate a top secret alien corpse which, with the help of the kidnapped Dr. Jones will point them toward this all powerful crystal skull. Jones escapes, teams up with Mutt Williams (Shia LaBeouf) who needs his help to rescue his mother and the two head off to South America for adventure. The Russians are hot on their trail and Indiana and his new side-kick become entangled in all sorts of trouble.

Here goes my critique. For starters, Spielberg and Lucas chose an artifact that no one knows anything about; a crystal skull that gave ancient Incas a powerful civilization. The plot was entirely based on “alien archaeology," which I’m not too terribly keen on. Apparently some aliens visited the ancient Peruvians and gave them the treasure of knowledge but then this particular skull was stolen and I guess that’s what led to their downfall? I’m not too sure. I'd have to watch the movie again to make sure those details are right but you get the point. I know recently alien archaeology has gotten a lot of attention but I just could not relate to it at all. I remember watching Raiders as a kid and getting chill bumps because it was spooky. You don’t mess with the Ark of the Covenant! I think that’s what this movie was lacking. For me, this crossed over into too much sci-fi. I fully expected someone in the group to whip out a whistle of some sort and toot some magical notes to satiate the aliens/other-dimensional beings. I guess I’m miffed because while the plot was interesting, it wasn’t plausible. Plus, I don’t think people have been searching for a crystal skull for centuries. I’d have gotten more into the movie if they were hunting for the Fountain of Youth or Atlantis or something.

Prior to seeing the movie, I was pleased that Marion Ravenwood was brought back into the mix. She was feisty as usual but she and Indy began fighting immediately upon meeting and it was just annoying. Then for the rest of the movie, she ran around acting like a silly lovesick schoolgirl. It’s alright, I guess. I’m just glad Indy rekindled his romance with her instead of starting up something with Irina Spalko (Cate Blanchett). Obviously, Marion is the one he’s meant to be with in the end.

The one scene I really could’ve done without was the at the beginning, where they’re in a secret military warehouse and we get a shot of a damaged box exposing the contents of the Ark. Thank you, George and Steven for reminding us all just how awesome the 1st movie was but frankly, I much preferred that to be a mystery for my own imagination.

Still, this was a fun movie and it did manage to capture the charm and adventure of the previous Indy flicks. Cate Blanchett made a worthy villain; I thought and there was lots of action and plenty of classic Indy humor. If you're a true fan, you'll get some entertainment out of it or at least some nostalgia. I can’t hate on it too much, it’s Indiana Jones after all!