This picture is pretty much what goes on in the video.
Is anyone else out there super annoyed by Jamie Foxx's song Blame It? Seriously, this song drives me nuts! Every time I turn on the radio, I hear Jamie in that oh-so-trendy electronic voice crooning "Blame it on the Goose, gotcha feelin loose. Blame it on the a-a-a-a-alcohol." Shut up with that noise already!
Not to mention the video with that dancing drunk panda, Jake Gyllenhaal, Forest Whitaker, Quincy Jones, Samuel L. Jackson and Ron Howard? Ron Howard? In this video he looks sauced before they even get into the club and they definitely did not give that man any time in hair and make up.
Remember Sesame Street when they would sing that song that went one of these things is not like the other, one of these things just isn't the same? The concept for this video is kinda like that. I can't believe that Ron Howard, Jake Gyllenhaal and Forest Whitaker would be chillin at a club tossing back shots and dropping lame-o lines on the ladies.
This video starts off with actual credits like it's epic. Does Jamie Foxx think Blame It is 2009's Thriller and he's Michael Jackson? How exactly does one go from winning an Oscar for playing Ray Charles and then come up with a song about getting drunk?
Note: I did not drink in high school. I know! You're welcome mom and dad! But if I had been a drinker in high school, I would imagine it would be like a cheaper version of Mr. Foxx's video. There would probably be some "cool" guys that would wear their shades indoors just like Jamie and the girls' dresses would be too short. The only thing missing is someone getting sick in the bathroom. But how embarrassing to have Opie show up and crash your par-tay!
I cannot get this song out of my head. Maybe I'm wrong and Jaime Foxx is a genius! Did you know that Blame It is #3 this week on Billboard's Hot 100? Yip, it's sandwiched between Poker Face and Don't Stop Believin.
How could this have happened and why do I despise this song so much? I think Jamie Foxx is better than this. I mean I have to believe that a man who won an Oscar can come up with a lyric better than "Fill another cup up feelin on your butt what." Yeah, that is actually the lyric. It gets worse but that one just stood out. At the very least he could've asked his bff Opie for some advice but I guess they were busy getting smashed. Also, I think they let a 13 year old in that video. Is it not considered child abuse to be exposed to bad music?
On a positive note, I'm kinda diggin Jamie's song "I Don't Need It" featuring Timbaland. (Which btw, is incorrectly spelled as Timberland on Jamie's website) I guess he would like to buy some hiking boots? I think I might campaign to get that song some air play. Who's with me? Anyone ready to leave the Jamie's Blame It party?