Thursday, October 23, 2008

Sweet Salaries in The Hills

OK peeps, I know this is super old news but I had forgotten about it until I was recapping this week's episode of The Hills with a friend. Way back in August, In Touch Weekly got a hold of the salaries for the stars of MTV's prima donna fashioned reality show. I posted the list below so you can see for yourselves. Keep in mind that these salaries are not annual. THEY ARE PER EPISODE.

Lauren alone makes $75,000 per episode and the rest of the cast follows suit. I used to think it'd be great to make $75,000 in a year. That's a decent salary! But $75,000 per episdode? Per Episode? Blood may come shooting out of my eyeballs! (to borrow a phrase from Glenn Beck)

Do they pay Lauren by how many times she paints her nails? Whitney by each facial expression and OMG? Spencer every time he offers a snide remark or by the length of his flesh colored beard? The Soup video below may prove both enligtening and entertaining on this point.

Lauren Conrad: $75,000 / episode
Heidi Montag: $65,000 / episode
Spencer Pratt: $65,000 / episode
Audrina Patridge: $35,000 / episode
Whitney Port: $20,000 / episode
Brody Jenner: $10,000 / episode
Lauren “Lo” Bosworth: $10,000 / episode
Stephanie Pratt: $8,000 / episode

Source, Source, Source

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

LC and Heidi Hug It Out-Courtesy of Extra

Last week a "chance" meeting between Lauren Conrad, Heidi Montag and Spencer Pratt gave the girls some time to chat, cry and hug. According to sources, the story goes like this, Lauren was celebrating at STK restaurant after debuting her Spring/Summer '09 fashion line. Speidi happened to be at the restaurant at the same time and Heidi charmed an Extra reporter into setting up a private convo with Lauren. The estranged B-Fries talked, cried and hugged. Heidi declared her love for Lauren and Spencer offered congratulations.

You can read the reports for yourselves peeps. I only have one question: is this going to be the season finale of The Hills?

Source, Source

Whitney and The City

After The Hills on Monday, the MTV audience was treated to a preview of Whitney Port's spinoff show, The City. The show is scheduled to premiere on December 29 at 10pm. The Hills Aftershow talked to Whitney about the differences between The Hills and The City. Whitney says that NY has more sophistication and she has less drama.

On Whitney's show we'll view her life as she works for Diane von Furstenberg, dates boys and contorts her face into countless over-expressions. Hooray! I'm glad for Whitney and her new show. Of all the pretentious prissies on The Hills, she seems to be the most sensible and appears to actually work for a living. Imagine!

Whitney promises that her show will be very unique. Very unique? Sheesh, somebody get this girl an AP Stylebook. Well, I guess I forgive her even though very unique is my pet peeve #129.

Good luck, Whitney! See you in the Big Apple!

P.S. Watch out for Olivia, I can tell by the preview that she looks shady already.

Source, Source

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

I'm a PC Too!

I haven't mentioned just how much I love those new Windows/PC commercials. I'm a sucker for marketing but I finally feel justified in loving my PC.

Let me share an Apple story with you peeps. One time in college (I know this is starting off like one time at band camp...) I had to go to the computer lab to write a paper and all the PC's were occupied. I figured I'd get on a Mac and do my work. How hard could it be? But I quickly discovered I might as well have been trying to read Hindi. The icons made no sense; I couldn't locate how to create the Apple equivalent of a Word document. I was too embarrassed at the time to ask one of the stationed computer helpers for assistance. Macs were cool and I didn't want to not know how to use one. I looked around and pretended that I'd forgotten some research materials and snuck back to the library. I had to stalk the computer lab door to wait for a PC user to leave their post. If I had been raised on an Apple I think I would love it but I'm a PC girl through and through.

Then I had to start suffering through those Apple commercials with the nerdy looking PC representative and the fresh young Apple dude. It was like Bill Gates and the people at Microsoft had been inadvertently sucked into their own Windows program and error messages wouldn't let them retaliate. Where was the comeback?

But then, as if by a stroke of software genius, these PC commercials began appearing more frequently than pop up advertisements on the Internet. PC is not a stereotype peeps! I love it. Long live the PC!

JT Will Not Bring SexyBack

Dear JT,

I've been watching you since your N'SYNC days and you were cute then but when you busted out on your own, I knew you would be a superstar and not a one hit wonder. I've listened to your debut solo album a zillion times and it always gets better and better.

Then you brought Sexyback and it made me swoon. Now I hear that you're retiring the song that made you uber chic. Why?! I know Sexyback is so 2006 but peeps still love it. At least, I still love it. Am I the only girl that still loves it?

Anyway JT, I really want you to keep bringing Sexyback. Are you afraid that Sexyback is all you'll ever be known for? You're not like Frankie Goes to Hollywood or Deep Blue Something. You're Justin Freakin Timberlake! You were on the Micky Mouse Club and part of the boy band revolution.

You're on my list of muscians to see in concert and I wanted a live rendition of Sexyback. Are you telling me that my dream is dead? OK, I understand. Just don't tell me to cry you a river.

Forever yours,


Sunday, October 19, 2008

The Duchess (not the Fergie version)

Spoiler Alert!

This movie was a beautifully executed period piece. All the actors did a great job; there was a very natural feel to their performances. Each actor seemed to perfectly fit into 18th Century Britain. Ralph Fiennes was great as a cold controlling duke and Keira Knightly played an innocent turned scorned and broken hearted wife. The movie score was excellent and the detail in the costumes, sets and scenery was spectacular.

The movie details the early adult life of Georgiana Spencer and is based on Amanda Foreman's book Georgiana: Duchess of Devonshire. This movie has gotten lots of press, partly because Georgiana is the direct ancestor of Princess Diana and people have proclaimed Duchess Georgiana the original "it girl." She had fabulous style, liked to party and a varying degree of political influence as well.

The Duchess focused mainly on her unhappy marriage to the Duke of Devonshire. In case you didn't pay attention in history class, back in the 1700's, women were more like property and in high society marriages were arranged for the procurement of land, wealth and heirs.

It breaks down like this, at the age of 17, Georgiana is married away to the Duke of Devonshire in the promise that she will give him a son. Soon she learns that he seems incapable of compassion and passion toward her but his wondering eyes and hands contribute to numerous affairs. One of those affairs results in an illegitimate daughter, whom he allows to come live with him and the Duchess after her mother dies. Georgiana raises the child as her own and in the meantime, produces two daughters of her own with the Duke.

She becomes friends with Lady Elizabeth Foster, who is the victim of an abusive husband. The estranged husband is also keeping her three sons away from her. Georgiana invites Elizabeth to stay with her and the Duke until she can get back on her feet. Unfortunately, the Duke decides to take Elizabeth on as his mistress. Georgiana feels betrayed pleads with her husband to banish Elizabeth from the house but he refuses. Things go from bad to worse in the marriage and the Duke rapes Georgiana during one altercation, which results in the conception and ultimate birth of their son.

Things settle down a bit after their son is born but Elizabeth stays on as mistress and Georgiana begins to wish for a lover of her own. She turns to Charles Grey, a childhood friend and leader in the Whig political party, with aspirations of becoming Prime Minister. She begins a secret affair with him but is quickly discovered by her husband and her mother. She is forced to cut off the relationship with Charles and doomed to a life with her husband and his mistress. But then she reveals that she's pregnant with Charles' child and the Duke decides to send her away to the country until after the child is born to prevent any scandal. She has to give up the baby girl to Charles Grey's family. She then reenters society and she and the Duke and Elizabeth come to an agreement to live happily/unhappily ever after.

I haven't read the book so I don't know if the movie is an accurate portrayal but it seems that they got the cultural part spot on. I'm always intrigued by the way people lived in times past. There are so many fascinating aspects. Chivalry, fashion, socially accepted practices like keeping a mistress, politics, etc.

I'm disappointed that the movie didn't focus more on Georgiana's leadership role in the Whig party and stuck to the romantic and angst themes. I think it would have made for a stronger movie. What I could not stand about this movie is that her friends and family called Georgiana "G." Was that nickname historically documented? I'd like to know. I ground my teeth every time they called her that. It just didn't sound right for 1700's.

Despite my dissatisfaction with those couple of things, I really enjoyed the movie and it could very well end up in my DVD collection. If you like historical biography and period pieces, you'll enjoy the Duchess.

Womanizer Gets Soupy

LOL!! Of course I still love Britney but I have a sense of humor too and Joel McHale is hilarious with this stuff.

Gimme More Britney!

Britney Spears has finally launched her revised official website. I've been all over the site and I'm pleased to say it's better than ever. It's got a semiblog format and all kinds of superfun applications like Twitter and Facebook. Of course I immediately signed up for everything I could. I love it!

All kinds of craziness (the good kind) is going on for Britney these days. Her song Womanizer has jumped to number 1 on the Billboard charts. It's a record ya'll, she went from debut at 96 to number 1 in a week. She's going to be on the cover of Rolling Stone, her new album Circus drops on December 2, she has a TV special with MTV on November 30 and she plans to tour in 2009. Whew! So much Britney I can hardly stand it! I'm so psyched that the old/new Britney is back and bringin it full force. Go Team Britney!