Saturday, October 24, 2009


To the few dedicated who read this blog, you may have noticed that I haven't posted anything since June. That's because I've been a a stranger in a strange land without freely available personal internet access. It was a total shock to my system not getting my daily pop culture internet fix but it has allowed me to refocus my energies on my family, job and health. I've had some serious quality time with my parents and that's been a good thing.

So as to not be totally devoid of entertainment, I introduced my parents to Lost and so far we've blazed through the first 4 seasons on DVD. They're totally hooked now and I'm looking forward to many stimulating conversations/speculations once season 6 begins.

I do miss my weekend movie dates with my husband, ridiculous reality TV, mindless web surfing and blogging. I'll be back one day so please be patient while I do some transitioning. Perhaps for now I'll just say, "See you in another life, brotha."