For the last month, I have been completely obsessed with playing Fallout 3. I finished the game this past weekend and now it's time for my review. I'm not going to go into the whole back story of the Fallout series; watch the video if you want more details or go to Wikipedia. I'm here to give my take on the game.
Overall, I loved it! It has all the elements I enjoy in a game (please refer to list below). I'm not terribly familiar with DC (I've only been there once) but I think the creators nailed it with the setting. The structure was still in place but areas and some buildings were demolished from the bombs and the atmosphere was one of decay and desertion. An eerie quiet in many places; that is until a feral ghoul or super mutant attacks.
Yes, there's lots of bloodshed in this game but in the harsh world of Fallout, most of the time it's either kill or be killed. Because the game is set in an alternate future in 2277, there's quite a bit of advanced technology such as the stealth boy and plasma rifle but remnants of a retro, 1950's style society linger. Brilliant!
I chose to be a good character for this round of play. This simply means I can go back, create another character and be evil the next time. A third round of playing could allow me to have neutral karma. Each karma rating has its own advantages and disadvantages which I think will serve well to keep the game fresh after repeated play.
Fallout 3 has 30 main and miscellaneous quests, as well as free form quests and mini-encounters. You also have the option to take on one follower and a dog. If you purchase the game I highly recommend the obtaining the Official Game Guide as well to get the most out of your gaming experience. You don't want to miss out on helpful hints such as the location of every Vault Boy Bobblehead in the Wasteland!
I did experience a few glitches. Sometimes my character would get stuck in between some rocks with no way out or my follower would just disappear for a while and then return later. Mainly, I think my XBox360 is on the verge of death and the game froze quite a bit or would stop and tell me the disk was not clean. But glitches happen in any game and these were a minor inconvenience compared the hours of entertainment and enjoyment.
In my gaming experience, this one's the bomb! :)
My Fallout 3 Top Ten Favorite Things
1. Listening to songs like Civilization and Way Back Home on GNR.
2. Mysterious Stranger Perk
3. Searching for Sugar Bombs and Nuka-Cola Quantom
4. Skill books like Nikola Tesla and You and Lying, Congressional Style
5.Cultural References
6. Karma ratings
7. Law Bringer Perk
8. The subversive motives of the Enclave
9. Listening to Three Dog proclaim my heroism over GNR
10. Touring the Capital Wasteland and the DC Ruins
The Washington Monument in Post-Apocolyptia
Robots have a sense of humor even in bleak nuclear winter!
Where the White House was...
Congress is in recess. Permanently.
Just me, Fawkes and Dogmeat preparing to save humanity.
Please note my stats and the fact that a Jesus like figure symbolizes me. I'm here to combat evil and show compassion to the less fortunate!
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