It's time once again for The Hills recap. This week's episode was all about Beaches and Bible study. Enjoy!
•This week Lauren, Lo, Audrina and Stephanie crash Brody and gang’s par-tay in Hawaii and they all do shots to celebrate.
•Then we skip to the group on the beach. The boys are surfing and the girls are soaking up the sun.
•Audrina and Stephanie are yakking about Justin Bobby.
•Just when I thought California didn’t have anything I could identify with, they show Spencer and Heidi in a Barnes and Nobles.
•Heidi drops the news that her 3rd grade boyfriend Colby is coming to town.
•Back in Hawaii, the kids are sitting around a campfire and having a conversation I think I had in 7th grade.
•Stephanie wants to know if she’s single now; hint, hint Brody that’s your cue to begin crush stage one with Audrina.
•Btw, Brody has also noted that Audrina has on the hottest one piece bathing suit he’s ever seen.
•Meanwhile in Speidiland, the pair is at an awkward dinner with Heidi’s 3rd grade boyfriend Colby and his current girlfriend.
•Spencer’s like obsessed with the fact that Colby goes to Bible College and he’s a virgin.
•Colby’s girlfriend Ashley tells Heidi about 50 million times that she looks different! Why didn’t she just go ahead and ask the name of Heidi’s plastic surgeon?
•This double date is the best pairing ever! Spencer and Heidi are like Satan’s children living in LA and Colby and Ashley are the Uber-Baptists facing temptation in the “big city.”
•Colby and Ashley don’t drink and stay in separate hotel rooms.
•Spencer mentions that he’s had a subscription to Playboy since he was 14 and Colby just says “God forgives.” Right on, brother!
•Colby also talks about that he won’t even dance cause he was raised Southern Baptist. Why do they have to be so stereotypical?
•Then Spencer invites Colby for boxing the next day. I bet Colby can’t wait. I’d like to see him knock Spencer out.
•In Hawaii, Stephanie and Audrina are yakking about Justin Bobby and Brody again. Stephanie thinks that Audrina should hook up with Brody to make Justin Bobby jealous. Sounds like a good plan.
•Spencer and Colby are on their boxing date and Spencer’s still obsessed with the whole Bible college and virgins thing.
•So boxing seems like a pretty good time to discuss theology. Spencer calls Colby an alien (cause he’s a virgin) and then they make Bible study plans.
•Spencer’s challenge to Colby: find the Bible verse that says there is no sex before marriage.
•Back in Hawaii, Audrina admits her crush on Brody in front of everyone at dinner.
•At Bible study, nothing much happens except for Spencer being his usual rude self.
•Following dinner, Brody’s boys talk to him about Audrina’s hotness and encourage him to hook up with her.
•Brody takes the bait and goes to talk to Audrina, interrupting her phone call with Justin Bobby.
•They talk about “friendship” or something.
•The next morning, Lo, Lauren and Stephanie are trying to figure out if the Brodster and Audrina hooked up.
•In LA, Spencer’s diggin’ Colby’s Let It to Beaver vibe and that’s how he’s going to act with Heidi from now on.
•So Brody wakes up and goes to hang out with his posse. He admits that he cheated on his girlfriend with Audrina.
•Then the guys ask if he’s going to call his girlfriend to let her know. I say he should just let it go. I’m sure if he’s careful he can enjoy two months before the show actually airs and she can just get the news then.
•Audrina finally pops out of her bedroom and only admits that she slept in the same room in the same bed as Brody.
•The other girls think Jayde might come after her over Brody and Audrina says she’s totally ready for WWIII.
•That’s all folks!
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