Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Hotpocket Defense

Hi LOST fans! If you've been following my tweets (which you should by the way) you'll know that I spent last Wednesday glued to my TV watching the season premier of LOST. During commercials I tweeted and facebooked my complaints that the first hour was a recaps show. I got totally distressed and emailed ABC because I thought I'd been duped again. But I was wrong. The first hour was recaps but then I was provided with a full two hours of season premiere delight. Sorry ABC, I jumped the gun and complained to you irrationally.

However, I would like to have recaps shows and season premiere clearly defined in the future. ABC said to tune in at 8pm EST for the "season premiere event." I did and I got highly disturbed when I realized i was not seeing new material. It was almost as traumatic as the few times when I could not be at home for LOST and had to record on the DVR. I heart my LG TV with built in DVR but it does this thing where sometimes it stops recording about 20 seconds before the show actually ends. This happened a couple of times when I recorded LOST and I nearly had a panic attack. Does anyone realize how important the last 20 seconds are? I also need to see the next week's previews and it would cut that out too. ABC won't post the night's episode online until about 24hrs. later! I have friends in Arizona and I've actually resorted to calling them to find out the ending. I'm quite sure they think I'm a lunatic but out of the kindness of their hearts they've answered the phone and given me the final rundown.

Back to the topic at hand. I posted my favorite scene from last week's episode. Let me preface this by saying that I'm not a huge (no pun intended) Hugo fan but he does provide comic relief on occasion. I don't know why I like this scene so much but I think it's two reasons. One, that Hugo uses a hotpocket to defend himself and two, that Ben doesn't have to even say anything, his look says it all. Here is a very short clip of Ben, Hugo and a hotpocket.

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