Sunday, May 3, 2009

X-Men Movie Hits the Spot

X-Men Origins: Wolverine was definitely a great way to start off the string of summer movie blockbusters. Superheroes and Hugh Jackman are always a winning combo. This movie had lots of delightful surprises for me, starting with the cast. Dominic Monaghan aka Merry (LOTR) aka Charlie Pace (Lost) was in the movie, as was Kevin Durand aka Martin Keamy (Lost). Also included were Will I Am, Ryan Reynolds and Taylor Kitsch.

I thought the casting was brilliant although I wish we could've seen more from the other characters. Of course each one has unique powers and I really enjoy seeing how they're wielded. True to the title though, this movie was mainly about Wolverine and how he actually became such. There was just enough reference to the X-Men trilogy to allow followers to put some pieces together. I thought the writing was great too and the dialogue had plenty of witty banter.

This movie got me thinking about one of my all time favorite hypothetical questions, "If you could have one superpower, what would it be?" I'd totally go for teleportation! Think Jumper sans the consequences.

I really enjoyed Wolverine and recommend it to X-Men and Hugh Jackman fans alike. It's a win-win!

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