Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Twilight Turns Into A New Moon

Yes, I went to see New Moon on its opening weekend. No, I did not stand in line for 5 hours waiting for tickets and I did not dress up like a vampire. I am not commenting on whether I'm on Team Jacob or Team Edward until I read the book.

For those of you who haven't been bitten by the Twilight series or vampire pandemonium in general, you probably don't care about the latest installment of the Twilight saga. Indeed, when I saw the first movie, I didn't think much of it. Of course every 13 year old girl around the world was in love with Edward and I'm sure I would've been at that age too. But other than the eye candy in Twilight, I didn't think it had much to offer except for a fringe teenage love story.

This fall my curiosity got the better of me and I decided to read Twilight. I give it a B-. I liked that it was a very simple read and didn't require much brain power to process. Sometimes effortless imagination can be nice. Even after reading the first book, I'm still not understanding what has made peeps go crazy over this series.

However, the movie New Moon is way better than Twilight. There was more drama, character development and action. I tad bit too much teenage angst for my taste; I got slightly bored watching Bella have nightmares because she couldn't be with Edward.  I was also disappointed that there was like one scene with the Volturi.  I thought the Volturi  members would at least get more than 2 lines a piece. I feel totally cheated!

Wait, I think I just figured out my problem with this series. I'm annoyed with the Cullen clan or coven, whatever. See they're goody-goodies and I think vampires should be ferocious and intense. I'm fine with them being gorgeous and all but the whole "our souls are damned and we've chosen to be vegetarian vampires" is seriously irritating. Can't they just find a blood bank somewhere? What's the big deal? Self-loathers are totally exasperating!!

Regardless, I do recommend this movie whethere you're a die hard fan of Twilight or not. It's pure entertainment and fantasy and that's what movies are all about. Enjoy!

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