Sunday, May 23, 2010

What I'll Miss About Lost

With the Lost journey coming to a close tonight, it seems only appropriate to pay homage to a show that I believe made TV drama great. My husband and I began watching Lost the day it first aired, September 22, 2004. I remember seeing previews for it and my husband said "That looks like a pretty cool show. We should watch." And so we did! This has been the only TV show I've watched from beginning to end and I have many fond memories of watching it with my husband. With that said, here are the things I took from the show and that I'll miss.

Sense of Discovery:  Before Lost, I'd never heard of the Casimir Effect, thought about the effects of electromagnetism, wondered about the physics of time travel, paid attention to ancient mythology or legitimately considered the many dichotomies that make up life as we know it.

Music: I don't know of another show that has a soundtrack like Lost. For me, a soundtrack is as important as the writing and the acting in a show. Michael Giacchino's compositions for Lost give add to the mystery, suspense, sense of doom but have a heartwarming effect at times as well. Giacchino's scores are brilliant and the show wouldn't have been as good without his compositions.

Unique Story Line: The Lost story formula began with flashbacks, evolved to flashforwards (genius) and now to flash sideways. Each episode is a piece of the puzzle and it makes the viewer think and try to regurgitate previously learned information in later episodes. It's a lot of work for a TV show but well worth it.

Rich Character Development: Each main character on the show has a back-story and uniqueness that I think the actors really embodied. Each has their own secrets flaws but each has potential for redemption. Some of the characters I love and some I hate but most evoked a strong emotion one way or another and that's what great character writing and acting is all about.

Mystery and Suspense: A lot of what kept me watching this show was constantly wondering, "What's gonna happen next!?" You never knew who was going to die or what mind boggling twist would happen on the show. Since Lost began, people have been trying to figure out the mysterious island and its properties and what it all means for the characters. We've gotten answers to some of those questions over the years but I've enjoyed all the speculation and tense episodes that have been a hallmark of Lost.

Perhaps one day another show will come along to spark my interest in the same way as Lost. But for now, if there was one show I could take to a deserted island to watch forever, it would be this one.

Below is a clip from the Season 1 episode "Walkabout" which I think is one of the best episodes in the entire series. To me, this one clip contains everything that makes Lost worth watching. If you watch Lost, you'll know what I mean. Enjoy reminiscing and enjoy the series finale!

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