Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Iron Man and Speed Racer

Last weekend, my husband and I saw Iron Man. Monday night,we decided to catch Speed Racer. I enjoyed Iron Man a bit more than Speed Racer mainly because it felt a more sophisticated. Starting with Iron Man, I'll admit I've never read the comic but I thought the movie was great. I do enjoy a good action flick. I was a little leery of Robert Downey, Jr. in the lead role. I thought he'd been sentenced to eternal rehab but he was very convincing. I personally don't consider him a mega star so it was easy to forget the actor and just focus on the character. I won't give away any spoilers but I have to say I would love to have access to the kind of technology Tony Stark used in the movie. There's just something about the concept of a computer with which you can converse that's always fascinated me. Also, viewers may enjoy Iron Man kickin' a little terrorist a**!

As I mentioned, Speed Racer was a more juvenile film but still very enjoyable. The graphics were cool and the movie blended retro style with CGI and futuristic scenes. I thought there could have been more actual racing instead of all the drama and the little brother and his monkey got on my nerves with all their screen time. Still, my husband assures me that the Wachowski Brothers stuck to the features of the original cartoon and that's good enough for me. Plus, I was glad to support Matthew Fox in his budding film career. I've been watching him since his Party of Five days and he's doing great! Anyway, Iron Man and Speed Racer are a great way to kick off the summer moviefest.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good for people to know.