Saturday, November 1, 2008

Letterman Takes on The Hills

During this clip of Hills' star Lauren Conrad's recent appearance on David Letterman. Letterman suggests she might be the problem with her troubled BFF relationships. Finally, someone pointed this out. Lauren has been a bit bossy and controlling of her friends' relationships for the last two seasons. What gets me about Lauren is that she's friends with Stephanie Pratt, who yelled at her in a club about being mean to Spencer and Heidi but she can't reconcile her relationship with Heidi? Why can't she hang out with Heidi when Spencer's not around? Why does Spencer spend so much time pontificating how he hates Lauren? I guess because he gets paid $65,000 to do so. Anyway, Lauren does bust out with a funny quip about Spencer during this clip. Ah, it must be nice to be famous for nothing.

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