Saturday, June 28, 2008

Facing Facebook

Two days ago I joined Facebook. I just could not resist any longer. I don’t know how long exactly Facebook has been around but I do know that for me, as someone who practically lives on the Internet, I should’ve been one of the charter members. This wasn’t the case however and I just did not feel it was necessary. Lately though, I’ve had a couple of friends who seem to talk about it all the time and my curiosity piqued. Now I’ve found it’s the most addicting thing ever! I’m actually having trouble writing this post because I would rather be on Facebook fiddling with my profile or checking to see if any new people have accepted my friend invitation or if I’ve been invited to be a friend. I’m pretty sure I have an addictive personality so this is not exactly surprising. I do have lots of questions about Facebook; how it works, if people will actually be my friend, is it cheesy to invite my other friends to be on Facebook, and what kinds of things should I add to my page? So many questions!

About an hour after I signed up, one of my friends started a chat with me. I didn’t even know she was on Facebook until that night and suddenly we were chatting about work, her upcoming b-day and her latest blog entry which also happens to be about Facebook. (Please see SlantedVProductions.) I’ve happened to notice from her friends on Facebook a few people from our old school. I’m curious about them and want to ask them to be my friend but I’m nervous at the same time. What if I get rejected? It may hurt my feelings more than not having anyone to play with at recess in elementary school. Do I dare run the risk? One of my real life friends (and now Facebook friend) assures me that “all is forgiven” on Facebook. So no matter what happened in kindergarten, middle school, high school or any other socially awkward period in my life, Facebook peeps are all accepting. Interesting.

Now, I’m just trying to learn Facebook etiquette. If you search for an old friend and find them, do you first send a message of explanation? And what do you say? Maybe something like “Hey, what’s up? Long time no see, right? I know I haven’t talked to you in years but will you be my friend? And I don’t mean friends in the let’s get together sense, just in the virtual world cause I may not actually want to see you and be friends with you again in real life, just on the Internet, where I can sign off whenever I choose with no strings attached." Hmm…that may be inappropriate and too sarcastic of me. In any case, I don’t think I’ve got the courage to extend such invitations yet. Maybe I’ll let them come to me; that’ll really get my ego going. :)

I do find it interesting to learn new things about my friends. Especially when I see things that we have in common that have just never come up in conversation. For instance, I’ve learned that a few of my Facebook friends have the same taste in movies, music, books and TV shows as I but I may not have known that if it weren’t for this social network. It is a handy dandy tool for peaking into people’s personalities and interests. Speaking of which, I think this post is long enough. I have some more Facebook lurking to do. Peace out, peeps!

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