Tuesday, October 21, 2008

JT Will Not Bring SexyBack

Dear JT,

I've been watching you since your N'SYNC days and you were cute then but when you busted out on your own, I knew you would be a superstar and not a one hit wonder. I've listened to your debut solo album a zillion times and it always gets better and better.

Then you brought Sexyback and it made me swoon. Now I hear that you're retiring the song that made you uber chic. Why?! I know Sexyback is so 2006 but peeps still love it. At least, I still love it. Am I the only girl that still loves it?

Anyway JT, I really want you to keep bringing Sexyback. Are you afraid that Sexyback is all you'll ever be known for? You're not like Frankie Goes to Hollywood or Deep Blue Something. You're Justin Freakin Timberlake! You were on the Micky Mouse Club and part of the boy band revolution.

You're on my list of muscians to see in concert and I wanted a live rendition of Sexyback. Are you telling me that my dream is dead? OK, I understand. Just don't tell me to cry you a river.

Forever yours,


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